2024-至今 东北农业大学, 校长、党委副书记
2020-2024 东北农业大学, 党委常委、副校长
2001-2020 中国农业大学, 教授、博士生导师
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目 (4项)
近五年来,主要围绕农业固碳减排方向开展研究,已经在Research, Catena, Land Degradation&development, Science of the Total Environment, Peoderphere等国际学术期刊上发表论文100余篇。
1) How Human Activities Impact Groundwater Storage? Research, 2024. (IF=11.036) (SCI一区)
2) Artificial Humic Acid Mediated Carbon-Iron Coupling to promote Carbon Sequestration. Research, 2024. (IF=11.036) (SCI一区)
3) Anthropogenic soil as an environmental material, as exemplified with improved growth of rice seedlings. Carbon Research, 2024.(中科院一区)
4) Artificial humic acid coated ferrihydrite strengthens the adsorption of phosphate and increases soil phosphate retention. Science of the Total Environment, 2024. (IF=10.753) (SCI一区)
5) Effect of humic substances on nitrogen cycling in soil-plant ecosystems: Advances, issues, and future perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024. (IF=8.91) (SCI一区)
6) Artificial humic acid mediated migration of phosphorus in soil: experiment and modelling. Catena, 2024. (IF=6.2) (SCI一区)
7) Migration and remediation of typical contaminants in soil and groundwater: a state of art review. Land Degradation and Development, 2024. (IF=4.4) (SCI一区)
8) Exogenous application of artificial humic substance can improve soil properties and rice yield. Peoderphere, 2024. (IF=5.7) (SCI一区)
9) On the mechanisms of pressure drop and viscous losses in hydrofoil tip-clearance flows. Energy, 2023. (IF=9.0) (SCI一区)
10) Understanding of energy conversion and losses in a centrifugal pump impeller. Energy, 2023. (IF=9.0) (SCI一区)
11) Effects of Fe3+ on hydrothermal humification of agricultural biomass. ChemSusChem, 2023. (IF=9.140) (SCI二区)
12) Sustainable phosphorus recycling: A review of advanced recovery methods with a focus on hydrothermal humification technology and potential phosphorus resources in China for this method. Soil Use and Management, 2023. (IF= 3.8) (SCI二区)
13) Effect of soil management practice on soil phosphorus dynamics: A meta-analysis. Soil Use and Management, 2024. (IF=3.8) (SCI三区)
14) Migration and transformation of soil phosphorus by organic acids: A global meta-analysis. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2023. (IF=3.6) (SCI三区)
[1] 刘竹青等;2022年11月,“一种人工腐殖酸生产用原料仓智能化控制系统V1.0”,登记号:2022R11L2331384
[2] 刘竹青等;2022年11月,“一种人工腐殖酸干法生产工艺控制系统V1.0”,登记号:2023SR0302783
[3] 刘竹青等;2022年11月,“基于物联网的人工腐殖酸生产控制系统V1.0”,登记号:2022R11L2331357
[4] 刘竹青等;2022年5月,“人工腐殖酸合成方法制备管理体系V1.0”, 登记号:2022SR0855366
[5] 刘竹青等;2022年5月,“一种人工腐殖酸的制作工艺管理平台V1.0”,登记号:2022SR0858683
[6] 刘竹青等;2022年11月,“基于物联网的人工腐殖酸生产管理信息系统 V1.0”,登记号:2023SR1516121
[7] 刘竹青等;2022年11月,“地下水污染源反演识别鉴定系统V1.0”,登记号:2023SR0304983
1) 刘竹青等. 一种利用石墨尾矿构建人工土壤的方法。申请号:202311455653.4;中国发明专利
2) 刘竹青等. 一种基于人工腐殖酸促进还田秸秆腐解的方法。申请号:202311472185.1;中国发明专利
1) 联合国粮农组织国际黑土联盟第五届全会暨黑土可持续利用学术会议,2024.07.09,邀请出席
2) 香山科学会议第Y9次:人工碳汇关键科学问题研究——机遇与挑战学术讨论会,2024.05.25,邀请出席
l 电子邮箱:lzq@cau.edu.cn
l 联系电话:0451-55190058(办)