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2021-11-17  点击:[]



● 东北农业大学,水利与土木工程学院,教授/博士生导师

● 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,访问学者

● 哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程博士后流动站,博士后/助理研究员

● 哈尔滨工业大学,环境科学与工程学科,博士


● 农业水土污染防控与修复

● 农业难降解污染物去除

● 农业废弃物处理与资源化

● 生物电化学辅助强化污染物去除

● 环境功能材料开发


● 硕士:水文学及水资源(学硕),土木水利(专硕)

● 博士:农业水土工程专业

● 欢迎水文与水资源工程、农业水利工程、水利水电工程、环境、市政、生物、化学、材料或相关专业同学报考,请联系邮箱fanyingkong@163.com


● 中国农业工程学会高级会员

● 中国环境科学学会会员

● 中国化工学会会员

● 教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家

● 美国微生物学会(ASM)会员

● Editorial Board Member, Water

● Topic/Guest Editor, Energies

● Guest Editor, Water


● 国家自然科学基金

● 黑龙江省优秀青年科学基金

● 中国博士后科学基金

● 黑龙江省重点研发计划

● 东北农业大学“学术骨干”


Fanying Kong, Hong-Yu Ren, Spyros G. Pavlostathis, Aijie Wang, Jun Nan, Nan-Qi Ren. Enhanced azo dye decolorization and microbial community analysis in a stacked bioelectrochemical system[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354: 351-362.

Fanying Kong, Hong-Yu Ren, Spyros G. Pavlostathis, Jun Nan, Nan-Qi Ren, Aijie Wang. Overview of value-added products bioelectrosynthesized from waste materials in microbial electrosynthesis systems[J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 125: 109816.

Fanying Kong, Hong-Yu Ren, Dong Liu, Zilong Wang, Jun Nan, Nan-Qi Ren, Qiang Fu. Improved decolorization and mineralization of azo dye in an integrated system of anaerobic bioelectrochemical modules and aerobic moving bed biofilm reactor [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 353: 127147.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren. Optimized matching modes of bioelectrochemical module and anaerobic sludge in the integrated system for azo dye treatment[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192: 486-493.

● Yining Wu, Xin Zhao, Min Jin, Yan Li, Shuai Li, Fanying Kong*, Jun Nan, Aijie Wang. Copper removal and microbial community analysis in single-chamber microbial fuel cell[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 253: 372-377. (通讯作者)

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren. Improved azo dye decolorization in an advanced integrated system of bioelectrochemical module with surrounding electrode deployment and anaerobic sludge reactor[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175, 624–628.

Fanying Kong, Hong-Yu Ren, Lei Zhao, Jun Nan, Nan-Qi Ren, Bing-Feng Liu, Jun Ma. Semi-continuous lipid production and sedimentation of Scenedesmus sp. by metal ions addition in the anaerobic fermentation effluent[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 203: 7.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Bin Liang, Wenzong Liu, Haoyi Cheng. Improved azo dye decolorization in a modified sleeve-type bioelectrochemical system[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143, 669-673.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren. Improved 4-chlorophenol dechlorination at biocathode in bioelectrochemical system using optimized modular cathode design with composite stainless steel and carbon-based materials[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 166, 252-258.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Liping Huang, Meiying Xu, Huchun Tao. Improved dechlorination and mineralization of 4-chlorophenol in a sequential biocathode-bioanode bioelectrochemical system with mixed photosynthetic bacteria[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 158, 32-38.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Haoyi Cheng, Bin Liang. Accelerated decolorization of azo dye Congo red in a combined bioanode-biocathode bioelectrochemical system with modified electrodes deployment[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 151, 332-339.

Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren. Optimization of working cathode position in sleeve-type bioelectrochemical system with inner chamber/outer chamber for azo dye treatment[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 198: 437-44.

● Qing Wen*, Fanying Kong, Fang Ma, Yueming Ren, Zhongcheng Pan. Improved performance of air-cathode microbial fuel cell through additional Tween 80[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 899-904.

● Qing Wen*, Fanying Kong, Yueming Ren, Dianxue Cao, Guiling Wang, Hongtao Zheng. Improved performance of microbial fuel cell through addition of rhamnolipid[J]. Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12, 1710-1713.

● Hong-Yu Ren, Bing-Feng Liu, Fanying Kong*, Lei Zhao, Jun Ma, Nan-Qi Ren. Favorable energy conversion efficiency of coupling dark fermentation and microalgae production from food wastes[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 166: 156-162. (通讯作者)

● Qing Wen*, Fanying Kong, Hongtao Zheng, Dianxue Cao, Yueming Ren, Jinling Yin. Electricity generation from synthetic penicillin wastewater in an air-cathode single chamber microbial fuel cell[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 168, 572-576.

● Qing Wen*, Fanying Kong, Hongtao Zheng, JinlingYin, Dianxue Cao, Yueming Ren, Guiling Wang. Simultaneous processes of electricity generation and ceftriaxone sodium degradation in an air-cathode single chamber microbial fuel cell[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 2567-2572.

● Hong-Yu Ren, Xueting Song, Fanying Kong*, Qingqing Song, Nan-Qi Ren, Bing-Feng Liu. Lipid production characteristics of a newly isolated microalga Asterarcys quadricellulare R-56 as biodiesel feedstock[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 48339–48350. (通讯作者)

● Xueting Song, Fanying Kong, Bing-Feng Liu, Qingqing Song, Nan-Qi Ren, Hong-Yu Ren. Thallium-mediated NO signaling induced lipid accumulation in microalgae and its role in heavy metal bioremediation[J]. Water Research, 2023, 239, 120027.

● Qingqing Song, Fanying Kong, Bing-Feng Liu, Xueting Song, Nan-Qi Ren, Hong-Yu Ren. Insights into the effect of rhamnolipids on the anaerobic fermentation and microalgae lipid production of waste activated sludge: Performance and mechanisms[J]. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3(3), 438–448.

● Yining Wu, Ling Wang, Min Jin, Fanying Kong*, Hong Qi, Jun Nan. Reduced graphene oxide and biofilms as cathode catalysts to enhance energy and metal recovery in microbial fuel cell[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 283: 129-137. (通讯作者)


● 中国环境科学学会水处理与循环利用领域全国优秀中文论文奖

● 哈尔滨工业大学春晖创新成果奖励基金

● Outstanding Reviewer in Water Research

● 上海同济高廷耀环保科技发展基金会青年博士生杰出人才奖学金



● 通信地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区长江路600号东北农业大学水利与土木工程学院,150030

● 电子邮箱:fanyingkong@163.com


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