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发布日期:2024-01-09 发布机构: 责任编辑: 阅读次数:[]

Muhammad Abrar Faiz (费辞),男,1985年生,工学博士(博士后),教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为水文水资源系统分析与管理。东北农业大学引进人才,入选东农学者 “骨干人才A类”人才支持计划,主持国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金。在水文水资源和环境科学领域知名国际期刊上发表学术论文50余篇(其中第一作者16篇),受邀作为Journal of Hydrology,Journal of Cleaner Production,Science of the Total Environment,Water Resources Management,Earth’s Future,IEEE Access等60余种知名国际期刊的审稿人。


























Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Zhang Yongqiang*, Xuanze Zhang et al. Drought index revisited to assess its response to vegetation in different agro-climatic zones[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 614: 128543.【SCI, 中科院大类一区, IF=6.4】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Zhang Yongqiang*, Xuanze Zhang et al. Time series analysis for droughts characteristics response to propagation[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 43(3): 1561-1575. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=3.609】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Zhang Yongqiang*, Xuanze Zhang, et al. A composite drought index developed for detecting large-scale drought characteristics[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 605: 127308.【SCI, 中科院大类一区, IF=6.4】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Zhang Yongqiang*, Ma Ning et al. Drought indices: Aggregation is necessary or is it only the researcher's choice? [J]. Water Supply, 2021, 21(8): 3987-4002. 【SCI, 中科院大类四区, IF=1.7】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Zhang Yongqiang*, Faisal Baig, Farah Naz et al. Identification and inter-comparison of appropriate long-term precipitation datasets using decision tree model and statistical matrix over China[J]. International Journal of Climatology. 2021, 41(10): 5003-5021. 【SCI, 中科院大类二区,IF=3.609】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu, Farah Naz et al. Assessment of dryness conditions according to transitional ecosystem patterns in an extremely cold region of China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 255:120348. 【SCI, 中科院大类一区, IF=11.1】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Adnan Tahir, Heng Li et al. Comprehensive evaluation of 0.25° precipitation datasets combined with MOD10A2 snow cover data in the ice-dominated river basins of Pakistan[J]. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 231: 104653. 【SCI, 中科院大类一区,IF=5.965】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu., Baig F., Khan M., Li T., Cui S: Multi-indexes drought Characteristics in the Songhua River Basin of Northeast China[J]. Climate Research, 2020, 78(1):1-19. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=1.927】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*., Fu, Qiang. et al. Assessment of characteristics and distinguished hydrological periods of a river regime[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77(21): 729. 【SCI, 中科院大类四区,IF=2.8】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. How accurate are the performances of gridded precipitation data products over Northeast China? [J]. Atmospheric Research, 2018, 211: 12-20. 【SCI, 中科院大类一区,IF=5.965】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Stream flow variability and drought severity in the Songhua River Basin, Northeast China[J]. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2018, 32(5): 1225-1242. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=4.2】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Assessment of precipitation variability and uncertainty of stream flow in the Hindu Kush Himalayan and Karakoram River basins of Pakistan[J]. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2019, 131(1): 127-136.【SCI, 中科院大类四区,IF=2.065】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Extreme Precipitation and Drought Monitoring in Northeastern China using general circulation models and Pan Evaporation-Based Drought Indices[J]. Climate Research, 2018, 74(3): 231-250. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=1.972】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Complexity and Trends Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Time Series for a River Stream Flow: A Case Study of Songhua River Basin, China[J]. River Research and Applications, 2017, 34(2): 101-111. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=2.2】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Performance Evaluation of Hydrological Models using Ensemble of General Circulation Models in Northeastern China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 565: 599-613. 【SCI, 中科院大类一区, IF=6.4】

Muhammad Abrar Faiz, Dong Liu*, Qiang Fu et al. Effects of land use and climate variability on the mainstream of Songhua River Basin, Northeast China[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal/Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 2020, 65(9/12): 1752-1756. 【SCI, 中科院大类三区, IF=3.5】


●Mohsen Sherif, Vijay P. Singh, Ahmed Sefelnasr, Muhammad Abrar Faiz: 《Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions》, Springer Nature, 2023, 04. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24506-0



●电子邮箱:drfaizma@gmail.com; faiz_ma@neau.edu.cn




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