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发布日期:2023-09-01 发布机构: 责任编辑: 阅读次数:[]

  周照强,男,1994年生人,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为气候变化、干旱传播和极端水文事件等。东北农业大学引进人才,入选东农学者“学术骨干”人才支持计划,曾获黑龙江省科学技术一等奖、大北农科技奖(青年科技创新奖)、龙江水利科技进步奖(一等奖)。主持/参与多项国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发项目。在水文水资源和环境领域知名国际期刊上发表学术论文50余篇(其中,ESI高被引论文3篇,第一作者或通讯作者23篇),授权专利2项,软件著作1项,受邀作为Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres、Atmospheric Research等20余种知名国际期刊的审稿人。




















近5年(2018-2022)在Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,Agricultural Water Management, Catena等著名期刊共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文23篇。

[1]Zhou, Z.Q., Xue, P., Zhou, X., Wang, T., Ding, Y.B., Zhao, Y.Y., Chen, P., Wang, X.W., 2025. Assessing the soil moisture-vegetation mutual feedback relationship in different climatic regions of mainland China. Catena, 249, 108684. (中科院大类1区)

[2]Zhou, Z.Q., Wang, P., Li, L.Q., Fu, Q., Ding, Y.B., Chen, P., Xue, P., Wang, T., Shi, H.Y., 2024. Recent development on drought propagation: A comprehensive review. Journal of Hydrology, 645, 132196. (中科院大类1区)

[3]Zhou, Z.Q., Ding, Y.B., Zhao, Y.Y., Chen, P., Fu, Q., Xue, P., Liu, S.N., Huang, S.Z., Shi, H.Y*., 2023. A new perspective for assessing hydro-meteorological drought relationships at large scale based on causality analysis. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 104046. (中科院大类2区)

[4]Zhou, Z.Q., Ding, Y.B., Fu, Q., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Cai, H.J., Liu, S.N., Huang, S.Z., Shi, H.Y., 2023. Insights from CMIP6 SSP scenarios for future characteristics of propagation from meteorological drought to hydrological drought in the Pearl River Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 899, 165618. (中科院大类1区)

[5]Zhou, Z.Q., Shi, H.Y., Fu, Q., Ding, Y.B., Li, T.X., Liu, S.N., 2021. Investigating the propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought by introducing the nonlinear dependence with directed information transfer index. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030028.(中科院大类1区)

[6]Zhou, Z.Q., Shi, H.Y., Fu, Q., Ding, Y.B., Li, T.X., Wang, Y., Liu, S.N., 2021. Characteristics of propagation from meteorological drought-hydrological drought in the Pearl River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(4), e2020JD033959.(中科院大类2区, ESI高被引论文)

[7]Zhou, Z.Q., Liu, S.N., Ding, Y.B., Fu, Q., Wang, Y., Cai, H.J., Shi, H.Y., 2022. Assessing the responses of vegetation-meteorological drought and its influencing factors with partial wavelet coherence analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 311, 114879.(中科院大类1区)

[8]Zhou, Z.Q., Shi, H.Y., Fu, Q., Li, T.X., Gan, T.Y., Liu, S.N., 2020. Assessing spatiotemporal characteristics of drought and its effects on climate-induced yield of maize in Northeast China. Journal of Hydrology, 588, 125097.(中科院大类1区)

[9]Zhou, Z.Q., Ding, Y.B., Liu, S.N., Wang, Y., Fu, Q., Shi, H.Y., 2022. Estimating the applicability of NDVI and SIF to gross primary productivity and crop yield monitoring in China.Remote Sensing, 14(13), 3237.(中科院大类2区)

[10]Zhou, Z.Q., Shi, H.Y., Fu, Q., Li, T.X., Gan, T.Y., Liu, S.N., Liu, K., 2020. Is the cold region in Northeast China still getting warmer under climate change impact? Atmospheric Research, 237, 104864.(中科院大类1区)

[11]Zhou, Z.Q., Ding, Y.B.,Shi, H.Y., Cai, H.J., Fu, Q., Liu, S.N., Li, T.X., 2020. Analysis and prediction of vegetation dynamic changes in China: past, present and future.Ecological Indicators, 117, 106642.(中科院大类2区)

[12]Shi, H.Y1.,Zhou, Z.Q1., Liu, L., Liu, S.N., 2022. A global perspective on propagation from meteorological drought to hydrological drought during 1902-2014. Atmospheric Research, 280, 106441.(中科院大类1区)

[13]Ding, Y.B., Xu, J.T., Wang, X.W., Cai, H.J.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Sun, Y.N., Shi, H.Y., 2021. Propagation of meteorological to hydrological drought for different climate regions in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 283, 111980.(中科院大类1区, ESI高被引论文)

[14]Ding, Y.B., Gong, X.L., Xing, Z.X., Cai, H.J.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Zhang, D.D., Sun, P., Shi, H.Y., 2021. Attribution of meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought propagation in different climatic regions of China. Agricultural Water Management, 255, 106996.(中科院大类1区, ESI高被引论文)

[15]Li, D., Ding, Y.B.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Wang, T., Wei, R.J., 2025. The spatiotemporal evolution and propagation characteristics of multiple drought types from a three-dimensional perspective. Journal of Hydrology, in press. (中科院大类1区)

[16]Zhao, Y.Y., Ma, E.Z.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Zou, Y.G., Cao, Z.D., Cai, H.J., Li, C., Yan, Y.H., Chen, Y., 2024. Detecting the Non-Separable Causality in Soil Moisture-Precipitation Coupling with Convergent Cross-Mapping. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR034616.(中科院大类1区)

[17]Zhao, Y.Y.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Cao, Z.D., Zou, Y.G., Wang, Y., 2024. Capturing information about the nonlinear impact between droughts and vegetation dynamics based on nonlinear dynamical system theory. Journal of Hydrology, 643, 132011.(中科院大类1区)

[18]Zhao, Y.Y., Zou, Y.G., Ma, E.Z.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Feng, Y.Q., Cao, Z.D., Cai, H.J., Li, C., Yan, Y.H., 2023. Can groundwater storage in turn affect the cryospheric variables? A new perspective from nonlinear dynamic causality detection. Journal of Hydrology, 624, 129910.(中科院大类1区)

[19]Ding, Y.B., Hu, J.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Cai, H.J., Wang, X.Y., Li, L.S., Xu, J.T., Shi, H.Y., 2022. Response of vegetation to drought and yield monitoring based on NDVI and SIF. Catena, 219, 106328.(中科院大类1区)

[20]Liu, X.,Zhou, Z.Q*., Ding, Y.B., 2021. Vegetation coverage change and erosion types impacts on the water chemistry in western China. Science of the Total Environment, 772, 145543.(中科院大类1区)


一种新型的控制马氏瓶高度的升降机.专利号: ZL201621388104.5

一种新型的自动记录式马氏瓶.专利号: ZL201621388130.8





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